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We revolutionize agriculture, seed by seed

Delivering high-quality, open-source seeds tailored for vertical farming and optimized for controlled environments.

Challenges in Vertical Farming

High energy costs and the lack of crop varieties specifically bred for vertical farming limit its scalability and profitability. These barriers restrict innovation and prevent vertical farming from reaching its full potential.

Energy costs

Vertical farming requires significant energy inputs, making cost-efficiency a major challenge.

Few crops

Only a few crops dominate vertical farming, restricting diversity and innovation.

Limited varieties

The industry struggles with a shortage of seed varieties optimized for controlled environments.


Empowering Growth Through Innovation

Anthea develops open-source seeds optimized for vertical farming, addressing the need for specialized crop varieties. Our solutions enable farmers to overcome these challenges and create sustainable, efficient farming systems.

Breeding for efficiency

Our seed varieties are specifically bred to thrive in controlled environments, optimizing yields while addressing energy efficiency challenges.

Introducing High-Value Crops

By focusing on high-demand crops like tomatoes, we bring greater economic value and diversity to vertical farming operations.

Open-Source Seeds for Innovation

Our open-source seeds ensure accessible, adaptable solutions for farmers, enabling greater variety and resilience in vertical farming.

OUR MIssion

Growing the Future Together

At Anthea, our mission is to empower the vertical farming sector with innovative, open-source crop varieties. By combining collaborative breeding, cutting-edge research, and a commitment to agrobiodiversity, we aim to support sustainable, efficient, and resilient food systems tailored for controlled environments.

our product

Revolutionizing Farming with Open-Source Innovation

Anthea offers open-source seeds designed specifically for vertical farming, combining resilience, adaptability, and high-quality yields. Our products empower farmers with innovative, sustainable solutions, promoting biodiversity and collaborative agriculture.

High Quality Seeds

Our open-source seeds are specifically bred for controlled environments, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability in vertical farming along with high germinability.

Tailored Seedlings

We provide robust seedlings grown from our premium seeds, ready to shorten your growth cycle and accelerate your vertical farm’s productivity.

Custom Growth Recipes

Unlock the full potential of your crops with scientifically designed growth recipes, tailored for precise environmental conditions.

Our Vision in Action

Discover how we’re shaping the future of vertical farming with open-source innovation.

Join our community of farmers

Supported by

Empowered by Partnerships, Driven by Innovation


Funding our research and

Startup Elevator

Supporting startup growth with tailored mentoring and resources in Life Sciences and Bioeconomy.

Founder / CEO

Our Advisors

assistant Professor, UC davis
Founder / CEO


Mariana Martorana,
Colture Protette

Send us a message!

Have questions, ideas, or want to collaborate? We’d love to hear from you! Use the contact form below to reach out to the Anthea team. Whether you’re a grower, researcher, or supporter of open-source agriculture, we’re here to connect and explore new possibilities together.

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